Jessica's Jottings:

On faith, food, family and frugality

Awesome Crock Pot Arborio Rice Pudding Makeover

on January 15, 2013
Crockpot Arborio Rice Pudding - oh, so good!

Crock Pot Arborio Rice Pudding – oh, so good!










This pudding prompted my oldest to say, “Mom! This is better than ice cream!”

It prompted my secondborn to cry, “Mom! This is so good! This rice pudding tastes like rice pudding.”

Uh…okay? I’m going to take it as a compliment as she’s never had rice pudding before – apparently, this has set the bar high. 😉

The Makeover

We had this for dessert Sunday night as a part of our “Eat Down the Pantry” Challenge. I’ve had a box of arborio rice in the pantry for, ahem, a year or three. :p

It was easy to whip up, until…I ran out of milk. I was doubling the recipe to use up the whole box of rice, which took the milk called for up to 6 2/3 cups. I only had 5 1/3 cups. I began to reach for the baby’s creamery milk when I remembered the coconut milk in pantry. Huzzah!

Also, we try to not eat a ton of sugar. The thought of doubling the sugar called for was not comfy. So, I used a scant cup (more than 3/4 full, less than fully full) and it was perfect.

And, technically, doubling the recipe would have used 2 cups of rice, leaving about 1/3 cup leftover. (I know, because I started to measure. hehe) I didn’t want leftovers, so I just dumped the rest of the bag into the crock.

I followed the directions as written, except that I was concerned the rice wouldn’t be totally cooked due to the increased amounts. So, about 1 1/2 hours in, I turned it up to high for 30 min. Again, this worked really well.


We will absolutely be making this again. The kids loved it. The grown ups loved it. I’m so glad to have found this recipe. Many thanks to the “Slow Cooker Adventure” for posting the original! 😀

One response to “Awesome Crock Pot Arborio Rice Pudding Makeover

  1. […] Crock pot Rice Pudding with Fruit – subbing rice milk for cow’s milk and coconut oil for the butter Lunch: Leftovers […]

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